Looking to rent or charter a RIB boat to undertake work from the water? Our fleet includes a number of RIBs that you can rent with or without skipper. Our workboats and RIBs are available for rent for professional purposes only, including for inspection work or for transporting people and equipment by water. Workboats.eu is an expert and reliable party for RIB rental in the Netherlands, with or without skipper. Our skippers have extensive experience with work from the water. Our rental fleet consists of RIBs from five to eight metres in length.
All of our boats can be transported by road using a boat trailer. You can rent a RIB without a skipper (bare boat charter) or with one of our experienced skippers (full skipper charter). Let us know what you need – we’d be happy to help!
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Modern fleet
Rental throughout Europe
Located in the Netherlands
On-site service
Experienced skippers
Renting a RIB can support you with:
The most familiar brands of RIB are used worldwide. There are also hundreds of brands that manufacture RIBS, often with their own dedicated target audience and purpose, such as tenders for superyachts or amphibious RIBs. We work primarily with Gemini RIB. The most familiar brands of RIB around the world are:
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We highly recommend one of our experienced skippers to go with your RIB rental. They are experienced sailors of RIBs of four to 12 metres and have previously helped support work undertaken from the water in a wide variety of settings. They do this around the world. Our skippers receive periodic training and hold all necessary diplomas and certificates.
Whether you choose to rent a RIB by itself or with a skipper, you are assured smooth collaboration. Our equipment is periodically inspected and maintained, and our skippers are regularly retrained. Our services are extremely flexible. Our RIBs can be used anywhere in the world. Interested in renting a RIB, dinghy or zodiac, with or without skipper? We’d be happy to help you with one or more of our RIBs. Let us know your preferences and together, we can see what the options are.
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